Newt Gingrich Says Donald Trump Is Done With ‘Drain The Swamp’

Newt Gingrich Donald Trump Swamp

According to one of Donald Trump‘s biggest supporters former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the next president no longer wants to “drain the swamp.” This was a major campaign promise that separated him from the opponent he dubbed “crooked” Hillary Clinton. Mr. Trump was supposed to change Washington and usher a new era of accountability and clean government. Instead, some of his moves and cabinet picks seem to indicate that the major players will continue the same old games.

Gingrich is a close Trump advisor, but he is never afraid to speak his mind. That is why his statement is interesting. The failed 2012 presidential candidate is probably testing the water before Trump makes things official on his end. During an interview with NPR, Gingrich shared: “I’m told he now just disclaims that. He now says it was cute, but he doesn’t want to use it anymore.”

Trump team is still trying to keep a public posture about changing Washington’s old ways. Spokesman Jason Miller tried to walk back some of Gingrich’s statement. He said: “President-elect Trump’s ethics reform policies are full speed ahead. We’re going to change the way business is done in Washington and start putting the American people first.”

The famous catchphrase was absent from the little rebuke. People on the left are happy to see Trump confirm that he was no different from other politicians. They tried to warn Trump voters that he was just making empty promises without any success. He prevailed, and they are now looking forward to the disillusionment.

Things have already started moving in that direction. Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has launched a consulting firm that will be located near the White House. With this kind of access, it is hard to see how lobbyists will not prosper in this new environment.

Lewandowski had promised during the campaign to be different and work on behalf of the American people. One month before his old boss starts his new job, he is seeking clients based on his connections to the new administration. It is safe to say that you cannot blame the player, the game is “rigged.”

Will Trump backers dump him over the broken promises?